Caricamento Eventi


Agamennone, Coefore, Eumenidi

LARGE THEATRE 22 Giugno 2017   25 Giugno 2017
Large Theatre, 1 Gennaio ore 20.30 e
Large Theatre, 1 Gennaio ore 20.30 e
Large Theatre, 1 Gennaio ore 20.30 e
Large Theatre, 1 Gennaio ore 20.30 e

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22/06/2017 ore 20.30
23/06/2017 ore 20.30
24/06/2017 ore 20.30
25/06/2017 ore 20.30


by Aeschylus
translation Monica Centanni
director Luca De Fusco
with Mariano Rigillo, Mascia Musy, Angela Pagano, Gaia Aprea, Claudio Di Palma, Giacinto Palmarini, Anna Teresa Rossini, Paolo Serra
and with Paolo Cresta, Patrizia Di Martino, Francesca De Nicolais, Gianluca Musiu, Federica Sandrini, Ivano Schiavi, Dalal Suleiman, Enzo Turrin
and with the Company Körper dancers Chiara Barassi, Sibilla Celesia, Sara Lupoli, Valeria Nappi 
set design Maurizio Balò
costumes Zaira de Vincentiis
choreography Noa Wertheim
music Ran Bagno
lights Gigi Saccomandi
sound Hubert Westkemper
voice adaptation Paolo Coletta
video Alessandro Papa
production Teatro Stabile di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale
heartfelt thanks to the Cultural Department of the City of Naples for the recordings at Fontanelle Cemetery

Only surviving example of a complete trilogy of ancient Greek plays, Aeschylus’ Oresteia tells a three-chapter tale that is deeply rooted into the mythical tradition of ancient Greece: the assassination of Agamemnon, perpetrated by his wife Clytemnestra, the vengeance of their child Orestes who kills his own mother, the persecution of the matricide by the Furies and the final absolution he gets by the Areopagus tribunal. With this two-part production – Agamemnon and The Libation Barers/Eumenides, Luca De Fusco takes on classic tragedy following the key characteristics of

Only surviving example of a complete trilogy of ancient Greek plays, Aeschylus’ Oresteia tells a three-chapter tale that is deeply rooted into the mythical tradition of ancient Greece: the assassination of Agamemnon, perpetrated by his wife Clytemnestra, the vengeance of their child Orestes who kills his own mother, the persecution of the matricide by the Furies and the final absolution he gets by the Areopagus tribunal.
With this two-part production – Agamemnon and The Libation Barers/Eumenides, Luca De Fusco takes on classic tragedy following the key characteristics of Greek Theatre, that combined words, singing, dance. Oresteia is a play “in music”: the score is signed by Ran Bagno. The sensual and mysterious choreographies of Noa Wertheim, director of the Vertigo Dance Company, unwind on the enthralling and meticulous musical ground of the Israeli composer.