Caricamento Eventi


by Aeschylus

LARGE THEATRE 30 Giugno 2017   2 Luglio 2017
Large Theatre, 1 Gennaio
Large Theatre, 7 Gennaio
Large Theatre, 7 Febbraio


by Aeschylus
adaptation, set design and direction Massimo Luconi
with Luca Lazzareschi, Alessandra D’Elia, Monica Demuru, Gigi Savoia, Tonino Taiuti
accordionist Vittorio Cataldi
installation Moussa Traore
costumes Aurora Damanti
music Mirio Cosottini
historical-literary consultation Davide Susanetti
assistant director Angela Carrano
assistant set designer and toolmaker Marco Di Napoli
assistant costume designer Alessandra Gaudioso
stage manager Silvio Ruocco
stagehand supervisor Fabio Barra
stagehand Nicola Grimaudo
electrician supervisor Fulvio Mascolo
sound engineer Salvatore Addeo
seamstress Daniela Guida
the adaptation of the text is based on the translation by Davide Susanetti published by Feltrinelli
production Teatro Stabile di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale, Fondazione Campania de Fe-stival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia


Luca Lazzareschi stars as one of the most fascinating and mysterious characters of Greek mythology, Prometheus, a rebel that refuses to accept the order imposed by Zeus and the new gods, who insist on bending everything at their will.
“Avoiding poor actualisations and without looking for a philological reconstruction”, explains director Massimo Luconi in his notes, “Prometheus’ incident can tug at the heartstrings of the contemporary public and, staying true to the inevitable pedagogical value of the story, the hero’s painful and noble figure of a rebel, of an uprising man, is full of timeless pathos and packed with references to dramatic moments of our common history.
To engage with Prometheus means to embark on a journey in quest of the myth that belongs to us as mediterranean people, the myth that lies within us and that we always carry with us, deep-seated in centuries of sometimes tragic history. Actors become witnesses who tell, on a double narrative level (theatrical and emotional), a tale that follows the criteria of ancient and modern theatre, and at the same time they are profoundly involved in their characters, looking at this extraordinary work of days gone by with the modern, critical gaze of contemporary men, ultimately acquiring their  characters’ energy and their primordial charm”.